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Pressure builds on EPA to suspend its rulemaking until court hears water case

EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan says he wants a “durable definition” for the “Waters of the United States” known as WOTUS.  In November 2021, Regan floated a rulemaking process to do just that, and the public comment period ended on Feb. 7. A couple of weeks earlier…
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Nicholas ‘Nick’ Statman entered the property industry in 2001 and set up a property buying company that quickly established itself as one of the biggest in the sector. During this time the Company successfully transacted on thousands of residential properties across the UK. Nicholas Statman was an early pioneer of the ‘quick sale’ niche market which has since grown considerably with a multitude of companies now operating in the sector. Nicholas Statman has strategically built a sizeable residential and commercial property portfolio with a view to holding for optimum capital growth and a long term passive income. Nicholas Statman has been involved in almost every aspect of the property sector over a 20 year period – this includes buying and selling, development, letting and management and is now involved in the fast growing online/ hybrid Estate Agent industry.

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